Does your camp have counselors, or do churches need to bring adult sponsors?

For Camp Weeks:

We have 20 male and female young adults whom we call counselors who serve all summer long. Their fervor and excitement are the heartbeat of our program!

Though not required, we also welcome adult sponsors 20 years and older from churches to stay either with the campers in the dorms/cabins or in separate housing.

For Single-Day or Overnight Events:

We do not provide counselors, so please bring adult sponsors/chaperones to help with your youth during the event.

What are arrival and departure times, and what does the daily schedule look like?

  • Church check-in/registration opens at 9:30am Monday.
  • Camper orientation service starts at 11:00am.
  • Departure is at 10:00am on Friday morning.

Junior Camp Schedule

  • 8:30am | Breakfast
  • 9:15am | Bible Time
  • 10:00am | Activities/Games
  • 11:00am | Service Time
  • 12:30pm | Lunch
  • 1:15pm | Activities/Games/Swimming
  • 5:30pm | Dinner
  • 6:30pm | Service
  • 8:00pm | Activities/Games

Teen Camp Schedule

  • 8:30am | Breakfast
  • 9:15am | Bible Time
  • 10:00am | Activities/Games
  • 11:00am | Service Time
  • 12:30pm | Lunch
  • 1:15pm | Activities/Games/Swimming
  • 6:30pm | Dinner
  • 7:30pm | Service
  • 9:00pm | Free Time

What will you teach the campers?

Our motto is “It is easier to build boys and girls than to repair men and women.” HHBC exists to instill Bible truths/values and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the hearts of young people and adults. The Bible is primarily given through the preaching services. We strive to do so in a compassionate and loving manner, never demeaning or demanding.

What is your cell phone policy?

We do not allow campers to keep their cellphones or any other electronic devices with them. Camp is a place to have fun and learn from the Bible, and electronics can be a huge distraction. Also, with so many people in one place, it would be very easy for a phone to get lost, broken, or stolen. 

In the case that a camper has a medical emergency, they may call home using a staff member’s phone or the office phone.

Any phones or electronics brought to camp will be labeled with the owners’ names and placed in a locked safe. All devices will be returned Friday morning.

Can I contact my child at camp?

We encourage you to send mail to your campers. Please address all mail as shown below. Any letters arriving after a camper has already gone home will be returned to the sender.

[Camper Name]
Hoosier Hills Baptist Camp
P.O. Box 237
Dillsboro, IN 47018


If you would like to email your camper, please use campers@hoosierhillsbaptistcamp.org.

  • Put your camper or campers’ name(s) in the subject line.
  • Emails are printed in black and white and handed out at mealtimes.
  • Emails received after 1pm on Thursday are not guaranteed to be printed.
  • Please do not send attachments, including pictures—they do not print well.
  • If camp staff deems an email to be inappropriate, it will not be printed.
  • Campers are not able to email back.

Calls from home are limited to emergencies only.

If you need to contact your camper, call or email the office (secretary@hoosierhillsbaptistcamp.org) to set up a time. Please keep in mind that we are not in the office 24-7 and may not get your call right away.

Exceptions to this policy may be granted upon request only.

What types of food will be served?

Our menu changes each summer. Contact us for a menu; if we don’t have one yet, we will email it when it’s ready.

What should campers bring?

Campers SHOULD Bring:
  • Bedding/sleeping bag & pillow
  • Towels/washcloth, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, toiletries
  • Money for snacks & souvenirs
  • Swimming clothes, and proper attire.
For Services, Bring:
  • A Bible (King James Version)
  • Notebook and pen

What shouldn’t campers bring?

Please DO NOT Bring:
  • Weapons, guns, or knives
  • iPods, MP3’s, Phones, Tablets, iPads
  • Cameras or electronics
  • Drugs or cigarettes
  • Lighters, fireworks, explosives, or any similar items
  • Supplies for pranking.

What are services like?

Services are the main focus at HHBC.

We start with exciting, camp-feel songs, have a choir special from our youth staff, and engage fully in a message from God’s Word. We then invite the young people to respond in an invitation, where counselors are ready to help.

Our desire is for souls to be saved and Christians to be revived.

What is your dress policy?

The following dress guidelines help to maintain a good camp environment:
  • All attire for guys and girls is to be loose, covering, and to the knees.
  • No tears/holes in clothing.
  • No inappropriate graphics or writing.
  • Bring recreational clothing for outdoor activities, athletic clothing for gym activities, swim attire for the pool, and nice, casual clothing for services.
  • Please maintain attire to the knees.
  • Collared shirts and nice pants are encouraged for evening services.
  • No facial jewelry.
  • Swim trunks are allowed for pool time
  • No speedos
  • Please maintain attire to the knees and non-revealing tops.
  • Please no spandex, jeggings, tank tops or spaghetti strap tops.
  • Casual skirts or dresses are encouraged for evening services.
  • One-piece bathing suits & tankinis covering the midriff are allowed for pool time.
Contact us with questions before arrival.

Can I visit my child at camp?

We don’t necessarily encourage visitors, but we don’t disallow it either. We request 24-hrs’ notice before a visitor arrives, and all visitors must sign in at the snack shop.

Our intent is not to prevent a parent from seeing their child; instead, we are being mindful of children who have a tendency towards homesickness. Many times, once a camper has settled into camp, they actually feel more homesick after seeing their parents mid-week. Even if the visitor’s child is not homesick, other campers may be affected by seeing the visit. 

Most importantly, we want to be mindful of who is on campus at all times and protect the campers under our care.

Visitors may not participate in activities and may not be in campers’ lodging/area. The only exception is for services (seating is available at the back of the tabernacle) and meals. Visitors wanting to eat a camp meal must notify us 24 hours in advance and pay at the snack shop upon arrival.

What if my child needs to leave early?

All early dismissals must be requested from camp.

Any camper needing to leave before 10am on Friday must be signed out by an approved adult. Please bring identification with you. Only people listed on registration form may pick up, as well as church sponsor who brought them.

Any exceptions must be approved by the camp.

Does my child need spending money?

All activities are included in registration cost with the exception of the snack shop. While not required, spending money is recommended.

  • Food items range from $2-$5
  • T-shirts are $15
  • Hoodies are $30
Suggested Amount: $20-$50

How does snack shop work?

Snack shop is open at scheduled times every day. Snacks, candy, beverages, and souvenirs are available for purchase.

Snack Shop Cards – Junior Camp

In an effort to eliminate lost or stolen money, we don’t allow juniors to carry around cash or credit/debit cards. Instead, each camper will have the opportunity to “cash in” their money for a snack shop card. Each card has a certain number of squares, with each square equaling 50 cents. As campers purchase items, the snack shop staff will stamp the cards until all the squares are filled.

Counselors keep the snack shop cards in a special holder to keep them safe.

Snack shop cards may be purchased at any time during the week, and multiple snack shop cards may be purchased. For example: a camper puts $15 on their card on Monday, and by Wednesday morning they’ve spent the full $15. They can then buy another card if they have more money they’d like to use.

If a camper chooses not to put all their money on one card, they may keep the remaining money in a safe place in their luggage until they’re ready to buy a new card. Hoosier Hills Baptist Camp will not be held responsible for lost or stolen money.

We encourage campers to use all the money on their card by the end of the week. Anything left on the snack shop card at the end of the week is not refundable.

Snack Shop Cards – Teen Camp

Teens are welcome to carry their own cash or use a debit/credit card. Hoosier Hills will not be held responsible for lost or stolen money and cards.

If preferred, teens may use the snack shop cards described above. The only difference is teens will keep their own snack shop card instead of their counselor carrying it for them.

We encourage campers to use all the money on their card by the end of the week. Anything left on the snack shop card at the end of the week is not refundable.

Sample Card:

Is there a lost and found?

Yes! If a camper realizes they’re missing something during the week, camp staff will keep an eye out for it.

On Friday morning, we have a dedicated lost and found table with all items found throughout the week. Campers have a chance to look for lost items before they leave. If your child is still missing something when they get home, contact us and give as detailed of a description as possible.  While we do our best to find missing items, we cannot guarantee their return; sometimes things go home with another camper, whether on purpose or by accident.

If we locate a missing item after a camper has gone home, we can mail it to you for the cost of shipping.

Hoosier Hills Baptist Camp will not be held responsible for lost or stolen belongings.


What is your staff-to-camper ratio?

The ratio is 8-14 campers per counselor, and typically it is around 10.

Do you follow safety precautions?

Yes, especially for pool activities and games. We take precautions and have policies in place to provide a safe and fun experience for all campers.

What about medicine and medical needs during camp?

All medicine should be brought in a plastic bag, including instructions. It MUST be turned in to the camp nurse upon arrival. It will be distributed appropriately.

How are campers kept safe while in the water?

During swim time, we have a total of 5 lifeguards continuously monitoring the pool. All campers must pass a swim test to swim in the deep end. Pool safety is of utmost priority.

How are the counselors selected?

We pray for the Lord’s guidance in choosing born again, surrendered applicants who desire to work with youth. The director is personally and directly involved in selecting our staff. Official background checks are run on each adult volunteer. (Our application questions are available for review on our Summer Ministry page).

What sort of medical help is available at camp?

We have a registered nurse who serves on the campus all week long. Almost all medical needs are treated on campus. If, in the rare instance, medical needs are beyond our nurse’s capability or equipment, we have a hospital 25 min away.

What if my child has food allergies or special dietary needs?

Although we cannot change our menu to accommodate allergies and special dietary needs, we may be able to work with some situations. We want to try to get your camper here if possible. Please contact us with requests or questions.


What is a church sponsor?

A sponsor is an adult 20 years* or older from a church who goes to camp with their campers.

They are there as a bridge between the church and the camp. They won’t run the program, games, or activities, so a sponsor can be any adult your church trusts to accompany your children/teens.

*Exceptions may be granted upon request only.

What is my role as a sponsor?

Sponsors are welcome to go to any or all activities with their campers. At game times, you can cheer on your campers. At snack shop, you can interact with your campers and encourage them to memorize verses. At mealtimes as seating allows, you’re welcome to eat with your campers. During services as seating allows, you can sit with your campers and encourage them to pay attention. After services, your campers may want to talk with you about decisions they made or how God is working on their heart.

While you are welcome to do all these things, you may also choose not to! Feel free to grab a coffee from the snack shop, go off campus to visit local places, or get some much-needed rest in your room (for those with separate sponsor lodging only). If you need to catch up on work or emails, Wi-fi is available in the sponsor lounge and we have (some) cell service.

Although not required, we invite you to participate in daily sponsor meetings. These will give you a chance to ask questions, give feedback, and have a brief prayer time with the director and other sponsors.

NEW IN 2024

We highly encourage sponsors to attend our Sponsor Workshops. These are designed to be a help to you as you minister to your young people on a weekly basis back at home.

Are sponsors the same as camp counselors?

No. Hoosier Hills provides male and female counselors to assume the primary responsibility of your guy and girl campers.

Our counselors are college-aged young adults who are background checked, trained, and come highly recommended from their church. Most are Bible college students. They serve as the core of life and energy at Hoosier Hills.

For reference, counselors could also be called group leaders who run the program of Hoosier Hills. They are responsible for facilitating cabin clean up, bedtime routines, medication reminders, safety, and for taking campers to activities, mealtimes, snack shop, and services. They also do morning and evening devotions, listen to verses, keep track of snack shop cards, and counsel campers as God speaks to them through the messages.

Counselors are required to be with their campers at all times.

Do we have to bring a sponsor?

No, but you can.

Many churches drop off their campers for the week. Others like to have an adult or two from their church stick around throughout the week. It’s up to you.

Either way, your group is assigned to one of our counselors who assumes the primary responsibility of campers.

How many sponsors can a church bring?

We recommend bringing 1–2 sponsors, although you’re not required to bring any because we have counselors.

We can provide lodging for 1–2 sponsors per church only.

Email secretary@hoosierhillsbaptistcamp.org to see if lodging is available for more than 2 sponsors. Nearby hotels are 25-30 minutes away.

What are sponsor workshops?

Sponsor workshops will be offered daily during both Junior and Teen Weeks.

In these workshops, we will seek to help sponsors learn more about working with children and teenagers. Topics will change yearly, but some examples are:

  • Principles of Correction
  • Teen Issues
  • Children and the Gospel
  • Current Enemies to Youth and Children

A roundtable format will facilitate conversation to help us be as effective as possible.

Where do sponsors sleep?

Sponsors have three lodging options:
  1. Separate sponsor housing on campus (Bedding Not Provided)
  2. Cabin or dorm with their campers & a counselor (Upon Request Only, Bedding Not Provided)
  3. A hotel or other accommodations off campus

For option 2, permission can only be given if no campers from other churches are assigned to that room. In addition, sponsors must provide a copy of a recent church background check. Background checks can be sent to secretary@hoosierhillsbaptistcamp.org.

Options 1 and 2 have limited availability and are first-come, first-served.

Hoosier Hills is not responsible for off-campus lodging; it must be arranged by the sponsor or the church. Off-campus sponsor cost is $100 for the full week, which includes all meals on campus.

Can sponsors bring their children with them?

Yes, upon request and as space allows in separate sponsor or off-campus lodging only.

Sponsor children must be registered. If your child is of camper age during the week you attend, they must be registered as a camper.

You are welcome to use the gym, human foosball, gorilla ball, tether ball, and other activities with your children when not in use by campers, as well as enjoy the slip ‘n’ slide and pool during designated guy/girl times. They may sit with you in the sponsor seating area during services, but if they become disruptive, we ask that you take them out of the service.

Childcare is not provided.

Contact us for pricing.


What does the camp believe?

As a ministry, core truths guide our service. Click here for more info. While this list does not detail all our beliefs, we deem these necessary to co-labor with churches.

How do you choose your preachers/speakers?

The proclamation of God’s Word is central to HHBC. We carefully and prayerfully seek out those who minister the Word of God contextually, accurately, and passionately and who have a reputation of being used of the Lord.

What is your ministry philosophy?

We strongly believe camp ministry is one of the many wakes still lapping from the powerful Camp Revival Meetings years ago. During these times, God would bless, thousands would be saved, and revival would be stirred. People, communities, and churches would gather, sometimes for weeks, to hear the evangelist thunder “Thus saith the Lord.”

Hoosier Hills Baptist Camp exists today to see revival continue. Started by one evangelist and continued by another, the camp functions under the ministry of evangelism in co-laboring with pastors and in serving local churches.

Who oversees the camp?

HHBC is a ministry of Green Road Baptist Church (Madison, IN). Pastor Chris Chavez serves as the president/director of the ministry.

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